
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I need some tissues...

Ever have a song's lyrics catch you completely off guard? This one did that to me today:

I was just minding my own business, randomly playing music on playlist.com and suddenly I was tearing up! The key is to turn it up with headphones out and not watch the video. Just close your eyes for a bit and soak it in...exactly the way good music should be enjoyed.

If that one doesn't make you feel a bit mushy, try this one:

What? Still dry eyed? Alright, but it's not my fault I had to pull this one out. If you'd just cried at Damien or Sinead you could have been spared this one:

His voice conveyed the rawness that I think is missing in a lot of other covers of that song. I find myself wondering how he'd sound singing that now, 10+ years later, but that's one we'll never know...*shakes head*

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