I woke up to news of Colin Powell endorsing Obama so that was a nice boost to my morning! I don't think it makes this an ace to win, but I'm glad he had the balls to join others of his party in making an endorsement for Obama, and his added commentary on the McCain campaign's turn for the worse was needed IMO. I think Powell has witnessed the same thing the rest of us have, a man we used to have respect for turn into someone who will do anything to get his way...it's sad.
In other news. I broke Chris' favorite bowl this morning while washing dishes, along with a huge glass mixing bowl and small rice dish. They were nested one inside the other and I knocked over the whole stack while trying to move them from one spot to the other. The whole mess crashed into the floor at my feet, I'm actually really lucky I didn't end up with my foot sliced open since they were quite big pieces of glass (thick bowls). I am SUCH a fucking klutz I swear. So I shrieked as I dropped them, then burst into tears and started cussing hysterically, which caused Chris to come running from the back of the flat to make sure I was okay. Of course I felt SOOO horrible because Chris' favorite bowl was handmade by the pottery club here in thanks for Chris doing some computer work for them, so it's irreplaceable. =/ Being the calm, sane, zen-like person in the house, Chris asked if I was okay, and when I instead kept rambling on about how sorry I was, said "Ah well, these things happen." then proceeded to help me pick up the mess (and ultimately banned me from touching it because a shard cut the back of my finger). Where do calm people like this come from and how the hell did I end up with one??
Oh, and I'm ridiculously addicted to playlist.com since the New Zealand music download scene is SO shitty that they don't have any music subscription service and I refuse to pay iTunes NZ almost $2 per song because I think they are screwing NZlanders over just because they can. So fuck you iTunes, I'll just stay tied to the damn computer to hear my music! Between that and the price of CDs here (well over $20 for most music) I'm just going to keep on with my no new music buying strike here. I MIGHT give in and buy some CDs done by indie NZ artists before we move, but other than that, nope!
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
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