That's right, I got nothin'. I've been putting off writing today because I was sure I'd find something to spark some rambling bit in my head, but nope, nothing that would make any sense to anyone.
So some videos, eh? Odd that I post video on my blog since I don't even watch television. Seriously people, the TV is in the junk room, unplugged, with god knows what piled on it. I'm not saying there is nothing good on TV, but here in NZ there is no PBS, and since I watched that more than anything in the US, yeah, TV ceased to interest me.
Anyway, I'm rambling. See, that's the problem with these NaBloPoMo, a junk post because I gotta post something today. But I won't be compete junk because this video is interesting:
He gets angry. NO DUH!
In all the drama of yesterday I totally forgot Michelle Obama was going to be on the Daily Show! Damn how I love this woman. Really, I do. I can't believe we actually have a shot at having her in the White House! Obama's choice in a life partner clearly reflects the kind of person he is, as does her choice of him.
Jon Stewart amuses me SO fucking much.
THERE! In right before midnight! Now I'm off to find the full Daily Show episode that has that interview, laugh, and eventually attempt sleep. Hah, imagine that, sleep.
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
1 comment:
I'm still awake-- if I were on NZ time, maybe that wouldn't be so obscene! I hope you can sleep. Insomnia bites!
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