As we head into the homestretch of this election season, many political commentators are on the look out for what they call the "October Surprise". The rumors are all over the place! Some think Dubbya will pull Osama bin Laden out of a hat right before election day, giving McCain a massive boost and carrying him all the way to the White House. Others postulate it may be a tape from bin Laden, ala the 2004 election, or perhaps even another terrorist attack on American soil, since that would be bound to boost McCain's ratings. Personally if any of the above happened I wouldn't be surprised. Those in power are often known for using skirmishes both in and out of the country in order to divert our attention from the things that matter, and I wouldn't put it past Dubbya or Cheney to get a good screw in before election day.
One writer jokes that perhaps McCain is going to come out and drop a 'flat tax' plan on us in hopes of wooing those in the money to vote for him. I'm still chuckling over that one.
However, the one I've been reading about most in the last two days is the purported upcoming endorsement by Colin Powell. Some say his endorsement wouldn't mean much, but Jon Soltz at Huffington Post wrote an interesting piece on why he thinks it matters to this election, and I have to say I agree with him in many ways. Although Powell obviously fucked up with the Bush Administration/UN "weapons of mass destruction" thing, he is still viewed by many to be a well respected military man with impressive foreign relations cred. Having someone like that back Obama would be significant, and his voice speaking out against the attacks coming from the Palin/McCain camp like Obama 'hanging out with terrorists' and being 'unpatriotic' would make some (at least a handful) of undecideds sit up and take notice.
Do I think it would make this election a slam dunk for Obama? NO. There are still a whole lotta ways this race could be lost, but it could make things a bit more interesting. What if Powell instead decides to endorse McCain? Well then, that would say a whole lot about the man, wouldn't it? For some reason I've always admired him, even while being part of the Bush debacle, and I've hoped a time would come that would allow him to redeem himself even just a little bit for the part he played.
I know what some are thinking, a man considered a strong Republican, coming out and endorsing a Democrat, and one as 'liberal' as Obama? Well I say, stranger things have happened (like McCain picking an unknown for VP!). I mean, just today I've read the scathing commentary on "Palin's Failin' " by none other than Peggy Noonan, news of conservative talk radio host Michael Smerconish out of Philly backing Obama, and the LA Times, Washington Post, and Chicago Tribune have added their names to the list of papers backing the Democratic ticket.
Sunday morning, Meet the Press. Guess I'll wake up early Monday morning here to be greeted with his choice--or lack there of. He could come out and refuse to endorse anyone at all, go right for the center, but still, I'm holding out hope he'll do better than that. Time will tell I suppose.
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
I agree with everything you wrote except one thing: I do not believe Powell fucked up. I believe he was deliberately deceived, and when he realized it, the chose to "take one for the team", as it were.
I heard him speak at a convention about 4 years ago and have been enamored of him ever since.
I hope the rumors are true and that he comes out for Obama. I also hope Obama has a place for Powell in his administration.
Another nice blog, Tiara- I love love love your writing-- and your take on things.
I do think he was deceived by the administration and took the fall for their lies, but "taking one for the team" while honorable in some ways, really gets to me.
The realist in me gets why he did it, so I can have respect for him despite helping them get into this war. However, the idealist in me thinks he should have spoken out about it when he realised he'd been duped, even though it would have been political suicide.
Taking a stand is not a comfortable thing to do for sure, but I believe there are moments when we have to, or forever live with the consequences.
And thank you for the compliments Su, you always seem to find more good in my writing than I do...but I guess it works the same in reverse, eh? ;-)
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