A friend posted this on Facebook and I watched it and was actually speechless for a moment!
Good 'ole "Joe the Plumber" had a gem of an interview with Shepard Smith of Fox News. Apparently Joe thinks that a vote for Obama is a vote for the death of Israel! When asked by Smith to back up exactly why he agreed with that statement, his response was something to he effect of '...I think everyone should go figure out what would make me say something like that!'
I need to remember that line the next time someone expects me to back up some claim I've made! *snort*
Have a look at the video, even better than Joe sticking his foot in his mouth as usual, is watching someone at Fox News actually defend Obama against those comments and seem rather unsettled with what he had just heard.
"Some things....well, it's just gets frightening sometimes."
Exactly Shepard, exactly.
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
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