It is! Yesterday Chris and I drove 2 hours south to Hamilton (a smaller city in NZ) to get a computer that was on clearance for $400 cheaper than originally, and they had one of the only stores left in NZ that had any in stock. Yes, this is what happens when one is married to a computer geek, but I love Hamilton (and this was a perfect excuse to get away from the computer for a day and truthfully, NaNoWriMo *snort*) so I wasn't complaining any!
Hamilton is famous here for "Hamilton Gardens". It's huge, full of gardens representing designs and plants from all over the world. Twice before we've been to Hamilton and managed to run out of time with other things (or end up with shit weather), so when we saw it was supposed to be a clear day we decided to go walk the gardens and take pictures (I'll post them eventually).
Since we were going to be outdoors in the brutal NZ sun, we both doused ourselves with sunscreen and took advantage of the shade when possible. I lucked out and didn't burn at all, so we'll be using that sunscreen all summer! A soak in tepid bath water last night still didn't bring out any burn, so I figured I'd gotten away with the 2-3 hours out in the sun, right? NOPE
Earlier today I noticed my arms felt like they had tiny bumps on them, you know, like I was covered in goosebumps, but they weren't goosebumps? I call it a sun rash. Usually the bumps go away within a week and don't bother me much, but not this time. I'm sitting here itching up a storm and the raised bumps are pinkish and now along the tops of my hands, fingers, cheeks, and upper chest. Basically, anywhere the sun hit. WTF is up with that?
Doctors always laugh when I say sometimes I think I'm allergic to the sun...little do they know how it really is. I've had the rash for years, but this is the worst it's been. I don't think it's the fault of the Plaquenil though because I was on it last year and as long as I was careful about sunscreen and being in the shade as much as possible I only got the rash if I started to burn.
This doesn't bode well for the rest of the summer 'cause the sun will only get more intense as we head into December.
OMG somebody make the itching stop! Alright, I gotta go Google to see if I can find something to help 'cause this is so not cool.
Sourdough Granola
1 day ago
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