Why should we ban gay marriage?
Yeah, that's right. I've heard a lot of reasons lately, but that one had me laughing my head off earlier today! I wish I could find where I read it, but the gist of it was something like 'If we continue to permit the gay lifestyle then as more and more people choose to be gay, there will be less couples to procreate and eventually we will become extinct. Sure it won't happen in our lifetime, but it will happen if this continues to go on.'
Yes, they were dead serious.
I suppose then that we should ban infertility, nuns, priests, virgins, menopause, erectile dysfunction, voluntary celibacy, and all sex acts that are not pro-creative...oh wait, places have already done that last one! *snort*
Sourdough Granola
1 day ago
Wow, the stupidity of that argument... along with the "choose to be gay" part of it... makes me want to burst into cackling howls of laughter, and it would, if only people weren't seriously believing it was true.
This would be funny if those people weren't dead serious.
That makes this pretty frightening.
But if extinction means these dodo-heads will stop breathing, I say, "Bring on the Ice Age, post haste!"
EXACTLY! It's funny, but scary because the people who say it really, truly are serious! Just like the ones looking for a cause for homosexuality so it can be cured. *shakes head*
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