I thought I would start blogging occasionally...so here goes the first entry!
Chris and I are walking through the grocery store last night....wondering aimlessly really...Chris was just having withdrawls...this particular store is a discount one and SOMEONE is addicted to it! So we go..and are roaming around, when I feel this lump in the leg of my jeans...along the calf...slowly sliding down.
(now mind you...I wear my jeans rather tight...they usually flare down around the bottom a bit...I HATE tapered jeans... And this particular pair I had just put on right before we left the house...I had been wearing running pants but the nights are too cool here to go out in them...)
Anyways.....so I stop walking and lean down to feel the lump and am trying to figure out what the hell it is when in dawns on me....it's the pair of underwear I had been wearing the last time I had the jeans on!!! (yes, I admit it, at times I wear my jeans twice before washing them..LOL)
ROFL!! Chris is looking at me funny now because I am trying to walk with my hand on my calf...and there's no way I can say "Honey, wait up, my underwear are falling out of my pants!!"
Chris stops walking by now and comes over to see if I'm alright and all these people are around and so I don't know what to do...so I'm stammering, trying to explain what's up when Chris kneels down to look at my leg... and all I can think is "OMG don't try and lift up my pant leg!!!"
So I try to angle my foot between Chris' knees so that I can reach down and ball the underwear up in my hands with no one seeing...and by then Chris realises what's up and is looking at me like I'm insane..LOL I balled up the pretty purple underwear and slipped them into the hand pocket thingy on my sweatshirt until I could walk a bit and slip them into my jeans pocket when no one was looking...
Yes....we laughed our way through the rest of the store...ROFL
So there you go! I am a dork! (which all my friends know....LOL) I figured some of my friends will find this highly amusing!
Sourdough Granola
1 day ago